Nasty Creek (and Beyond) 23Dec2023

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Nasty Creek (and Beyond) 23Dec2023

Postby tobyw » Sun Dec 24, 2023 6:40 am


The report and photos below depict travelling a route that by all accounts is normally closed this time of year. However, a very fortuitous conversation with, uuuuh, the right people led to some insider knowledge that based upon current trail conditions, said closure was not being enforced at the time. 8)


The boy, having just finished applying a rear locker to his trusty XJ, wanted to test it out a bit. In trying to take advantage of the forecasted bluebird skies, I had what may go down in history as one of my worst-ever best ideas: taking the LJ in full bobber mode!! As we were packing for the excursion, my phone rang and a buddy asked what we had going on for the day, so I mentioned our plan to take advantage of the weather and he asked if he could tag along. Of course, let's party :lol:

We met up at the West Richland Maverick and rolled out shortly before 0900 in beautiful clear, brisk weather:

IMG_5067.JPG (1.44 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

IMG_5069.JPG (1.13 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

Now, here is where my bright idea was the wrong answer... Although it was sunny and clear, it was COLD at 65mph with no top on the LJ. I have no idea what the actual ambient temperature was, but I'm guessing somewhere in the mid-high 20's? And let me assure you, wind chill is a real deal:

IMG_5071.JPG (1.26 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

Approaching Benton City, we spotted a hot air balloon also taking advantage of the clear skies:

IMG_5074.JPG (1.38 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

Soon enough, we rolled through the metropolis of Tampico where we found the church parking lot absolutely packed with trucks/trailers, and the occupants of which milling about doing what they do. There was also a decidedly authoritative looking rig in the bunch, and for some reason I felt compelled to stop in and see what's what... A few minutes later, armed with some fresh knowledge, we made our way to the Nasty Creek corrals and aired down:

IMG_5081.JPG (2.22 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

IMG_5082.JPG (1.82 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

The climb up the hillside was void of any snow, but it didn't take long to find a few inches blanketing the countryside as we gained elevation:

IMG_5085.JPG (1.28 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

IMG_5093.JPG (1.92 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

Mt. Fuji was surprisingly tame on this day, even with a solid ice layer below the somewhat fresh powder on top, and we quickly made our way to the first hogs back to soak in the glorious sunshine:

IMG_5095.JPG (1.7 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

IMG_5097.JPG (1.99 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

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Continuing toward the end of Nasty Creek and the intersection with Jackass, the snow came and went. It wasn't until we were on the shady side of Ewe Neck that we found appreciable snowpack:

IMG_5107.JPG (1.5 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

IMG_5110.JPG (1.28 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

We stopped at the viewpoint looking at Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood further in the distance:

IMG_5113.JPG (1.2 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

As we were mounting our steeds, the unmistakable sound of a pack of RZR's could be heard in the distance... No doubt the gaggle of them we'd seen at the Tampico church were quickly making their way toward us, so we rapidly pushed on to my favorite lunch spot overlooking Rim Rock lake:

IMG_5117.JPG (1.3 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

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IMG_5125.JPG (1.19 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

The view was stunning, and we setup for lunch just as the group behind us was passing through en-route to the snow cabin. We ate and enjoyed the afternoon sunshine:

IMG_5130.JPG (1.71 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

IMG_5127.JPG (1.4 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

IMG_5129.JPG (1.47 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

Sadly, it was approaching 1400hrs and knowing just how bitter cold the drive home was going to be for me when darkness fell, the decision was made not to press on to the cabin and instead head back down the dirt pile. We made the descent in what must have been record time, passing at least another dozen or so RZR's and another group of about 6 Jeeps on their collective ways up. The sun was already low as we aired up at the corrals:

IMG_5132.JPG (1.78 MiB) Viewed 1966 times

Darkness fell around Grandview but overall the drive home was markedly, and thankfully, warmer than it had been that morning. We hit the driveway around 1730 and I immediately wrapped myself in a fresh sweatshirt and my Thanksgiving pants... The day had been amazing, taking full advantage of the clear skies and allowing us to verify the install of the rear locker in the XJ. Fingers crossed we get more snow in the coming weeks, as it's pretty bleak up there right now :? Regardless, as always, it beats the couch :thu:
Yep, I've wheeled one of those, too...

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