Letter Jim Pena at USFS Region 6

Land issues, laws, restrictions, etc...

Moderator: Grumpy

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Letter Jim Pena at USFS Region 6

Postby Grumpy » Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:01 pm

So, what I'd really like to know is, what happened to the FS my Aunt, Father-In-Law and I worked for? You know, the one where the FS guys were part of the community and took part in the life of the community. It seems like too many of your folks don't stay anywhere long enough to get any kind of feel for what works on any given forest, particularly management such as the Ranger.

You are in a position to make a difference, and so far, I'm not seeing it. When did the brass at the FS start thinking that this current adversarial attitude toward those of us that live and work in and around the forests was a good idea? With the start of travel management, the attitude seems to be one of "we're the experts, just do what we say". And then there's the ones who state that "I don't work for you" to a member of the public! Earl Ford should be fired.

It's time the FS got back to basics, and started acting like who you are, stewards, not owners. You are a public employee charged with looking out for the public interest as it pertains to our forests. Where is the economic interest of so many communities being considered? It really isn't. Rural communities that rely on the forests for resources and commodity production are suffering under the current regime. What are you, as head forester, going to do about this?

Another thing I see is the current leaning way too far to the environmental side of the discussion. I, as an advocate for motorized recreation, am feeling ignored in the planning process. We have been users and stewards of the trails we use for many years, and have earned a place at the table. My family is in it's third generation as motorized forest users, with a fourth starting. Not only does this affect me as a user, it affects businesses that rely on my hobby for support. As a member of the Washington Off Highway Vehicle Alliance Land Action Committee, BlueRibbon Coalition, and Land Use Coordinator for a 4x4 club here in the Tri Cities, it is my responsibility to look out for my hobby's best interests, something I take very seriously.

4x4 is not my only concern, as you may have gathered already. The FS is, in my opinion, doing a poor job of including local government on forest use issues, and what they are doing appears somewhat coercive. Any agreements signed between the FS and local entities should, legally, put those entities on an equal footing. I don't see this happening. You are asking for agreements that make the FS the lead on management, not a partner. Sad thing is, not enough people understand the very fine difference between coordination and cooperation. I think it would behoove you to be a bit more open on that score.

Now, I would like to draw your attention to the Plumas National Forest. Some friends of mine have filed suit over road closures down there, and I look at it as a bellwether for things to come. My preference would be to get it right the first time, but, with environmental groups seemingly dead set on closure, we all know that's not going to happen. My earlier comment about leaning too far to the environmental side should be revisited here. They sue, you cave, and they get their way. Then you come out with a plan that shorts other interests, and you get sued again. How is that doing anyone any good. Just wastes a lot of money, too much of which comes out of my pocket.

I've rambled on enough for now, but I will say you might want to expect a few more letters very much like this one. You've kind of asked for it.


Dave Walters
Kennewick, WA
Have Scout, will wheel...Someday...Maybe

Originally Posted by Oregon80
-By driving a Scout, you my friend have recycled, which is more than those pansy Prius owners can say.
-I love driving a piece of history that was nearly lost.

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Postby Grumpy » Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:24 am

For the record, this was sent as a private citizen, not as a representative of any organization, although I do reference groups I'm part of. I would hope this fires up some of you to get your licks in as well. The FS, in my opinion, is not doing it's job, and has become little more than an extension of big green. If we don't step up our game, we will be locked out of the discussion, and our trails.

Have Scout, will wheel...Someday...Maybe


Originally Posted by Oregon80

-By driving a Scout, you my friend have recycled, which is more than those pansy Prius owners can say.

-I love driving a piece of history that was nearly lost.

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