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7-13-2016 Minutes addendum

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 12:06 pm
by Grumpy
Comment period for Draft EA for Oka-Wen TMP closed 7-8-16. Comment letter sent on behalf of PP. Lots of comments ranging from “Leave my trails alone” to a 208 page missive from a group in Montana. Eco comments were predominantly anti OHV, using all the arguments we’ve been hearing for years. My letter should be included in minutes by reference.

A couple of years ago, the USFS came up with a new “policy” for “Ecosystem Restoration”. Seems it was flown way under the radar. It got the okay in 2013, and goes into effect shortly. It was approved with all of 16 comments...nationally! It also contains the phrase for desired conditions “pre-European”. Nice. I have sent a letter to USFS brass expressing my concerns with this, to me, failure to properly get the word out for comment, and the use of that phrase. Again, letter included by reference.

The Putters are eligible for inclusion in the objection process for three USFS planning projects at this point: Oka-Wen Draft EA for travel, Swauk Pine at Liberty, and the Blue Mountains Forests Plan Revision.

Re: 7-13-2016 Minutes addendum

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 3:14 pm
by Grumpy
I will read this tonight, but leave here for the minutes. This is in response to asking for an update on the legislative life :mrgreen:

Hey Dave!

Thanks for reaching out. What will the meeting be on? Off the top of my head I would say that Rep. Newhouse is very concerned with the Okanogan-Wenatchee TMP and is reviewing options to address issue with the TMP – mainly the massive restrictions on OHV access and the closure of hundreds/thousands of miles of roads and trails. I would also say that he is still working on addressing USFS closures of public roads on USFS lands and we’re hopeful we can have legislation introduced in September. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks and hope all is well!
