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Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 5:02 pm
by Grumpy
2008 ElectionsA couple of weeks ago, I made a promise to myself that in the May newsletter I wouldn't write a single word about the ongoing 2008 presidential primary process. I did so because I figured you are probably tired of me writing about it. But, I must confess, I can't help myself. Every day provides a new twist in presidential campaign lore. Former President Bill Clinton continues to stir up controversy by saying things that are best left unsaid like mentioning Hillary's sniper fire incident and Senator Obama probably wishes he had attended a different church. His former pastor is now an albatross for the Obama campaign due to inflammatory remarks he made when preaching a sermon and speaking before the National Press Club. Neither candidate seems close to giving up the fight and may well take it all the way to the national convention. John McCain seems to be enjoying the fact that the Democratic Party is still preoccupied with the primaries rather than focusing on the November elections. Maybe so, but he can't take much comfort with a slowing economy and skyrocketing gas prices. Despite all the campaigning and public appearances, the presidential candidates barely whisper anything about public lands other than comments for or against the use of public lands for the exploration of new energy sources. Food prices are going through the ceiling because we are converting corn to produce ethanol and some areas of the world are facing food shortages, but somehow using our public lands for energy independence seems very controversial. The Congress would rather designate more wilderness areas so oil and gas production is out of the question. But the whispers are certainly going to get louder come 2009. And one thing is certain, rather than dealing with hard issues like new energy sources and food supplies, some folks will want the new Congress to make OHV recreation on public lands a major issue. Maybe it will take empty gas pumps and grocery store shelves before we get our priorities straight. Be warned and be prepared. 2009 is going to be a tough year. OHV recreation on public lands will be an issue next year. Responsible use and practices on our part have never been more important. Sincerely,Larry E. SmithExecutive DirectorAmericans for Responsible Recreational Access