PUAM '09

Pics and reports of past Naches area runs
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PUAM '09

Postby TJDave » Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:03 pm

We had a great time and Jim Sprick park turned out to be a nice place to camp. Pam lowered the fee to $10/night for each family and all the junk they could bring. Sams88 and his son Jerry also showed up to represent the Putters. Not sure if that qualifies as a run or not but there was 3 of us! :? I was going to drive up Milk Creek to visit the ORV Trail Watch group Friday evening but never made it due to my drinks being re-filled automatically while setting up camp. :shock: Barb was a good helper. :D

Ceg's crew showed up around 8am Sat morning but we were not ready to leave that early for some reason. :oops: Met a couple guys at Whistlin Jacks in a red YJ and we ran together in search of Cegs group and Funny Rocks where we finally met up with the EWOR gang. So enough of the blah blah, here's a few pics that we took.

Funny Rocks
Test Dummy I think. Look close, that is the definition of an open front diff. :lol:
My Jeep taking the Sally line at Moon Rocks

Our Catch of the Day.....A pink recliner. :shock:
View of Jim Sprick Park as we were coming down FS1701
One last poser shot.
2018 JLU Rubicon
Tow bar mount
Trailer hitch

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Postby iaccocca » Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:22 pm

Nice representin' the Peak Putters at PUAM!

(What cha' gonna do with the recliner?)
Okay, we're a little crazy to have a Duramax for a daily driver. But if we go off our meds, we might wind up in a Prius.
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Postby sams88 » Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:32 am

Was a really enjoyable event. Started off Friday evening. Jerry and I usually camp up by the pond on Milk Creek Road. I headed on up following Peanut's signs to see where they camped at. By the time I got up there to the turn off and followed that a little ways it was dark. So I headed back down to where Jerry was, and he didn't want to take his truck and camper up there, so we headed back down the road to Jim Sprick Campground. I'm glad that we did as it turned out to be a real fun trip. First surprise was that the fee was ten bucks for the tow rig per night, and the wheelers weren't charged. I was one of the ones in the beginning that wasn't in favor of Jim Sprick Campground. However after the weekend there I can understand why Pam wanted to do it there. It was worth the ten bucks a night. Actually had hot water and soap in the can to wash your hands!!!! Better than Kaner Flats campground. :-) We were across the pathway from TJDave and his wife. An old friend from NAXJA, drove up from Seattle for the day Saturday and went with us with Ceg's group. And thank's for the invite to ride with your group Ceg, it was fun and you have a good group of folks there!! :-) There were 9 vehicles. Two Toyota trucks, Jerry's and Crawl Dad's/Crawl Mama from AWORC. Another gent from the Tri-Cities in a TJ was with us but I can't remember his handle (old age I guess). We went on 694, the Manastash ridge, a portion of Shoestring, and three or four other trails. Had one heck of a fun day. The weather was cold up high, and we had the drizzle, intermittant sunshine, rain, wind, and some totally magnificent views of the mountains and valley's. We swung by Funny Rocks for a few minutes, and then went over to Moon Rocks. In the years Jerry and I have been wheeling Naches, he had never gotten to Moon Rocks. Well he fell in love with the place and gave lots of folks some photo ops of his rig doing some pretty cool climbs, flexing, etc. After that we took the long-cut getting back to camp. Three of the vehicles left us at Moon Rocks. We ran into a campsite and what must have been an old cattle/sheep herders summer camp. They had left all kinds of stuff there. We loaded up about fourteen bags of stuff from that one place. Both the trucks were full of stuff, and the cherokees too, with the short jeeps hauling what they could. We got back to camp about four. I've got to get this posting pics thing down as I haven't done it. I snapped aorund a hundred pics on my cell phone. Probably half of them were of Jerry playing at moon rocks. Got some pics of the camp ground too. There was one heck of a stack of food at the pot luck. Pam and the rest of the crew that put on the PUAM did an excellent job. There were events for the kids to do. The raffle drawings went on for an hour around a HUGE bonfire. I don't know where they sent their pyro-maniac to campfire school at, but he had to have been the leader of the class!!

All in all we couldn't have had a better time, or activity. Things just turned out great. Met a lot of new faces there from all over Region 4. Several clubs there. Some real nice rigs, it was worth the trip just to look at all the different rigs. Not to forget that the whole place looked like one of those road clubbie things for folks (like Danny) that travel all over in their castle on wheels. LOL Was something else. I'll be back again next year for sure, and my hat is off to Pam and the rest of the folks that put the event on. It was just plain fun!!! :-)
90 MJ, 5.5" RE Long arm
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Postby White trash » Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:02 am

We camped, we met some new good friends, wheeled our tails off literally all day saturday and picked up a bunch of trash from the trails we ran. It was surprisingly clean but we kept a good eye out and found what was there.

Only had one incident with a moron on the lily pond trail apparently not being able to recognize that a bridge is the way to cross the run off area NOT the mud hole next to it. "I couldn't tell which one was the trail" doesn't cut it moron, *click goes the camera with your license plate, your truck and your mug thanks for playing moron. :roll:

All in all it was a blast, and for the first time in... well EVER I didn't make it to the rocks on a lil naches trip. :shock:

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Postby Grumpy » Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:14 am

I am so glad to hear things went well!! Susan and Steve and I would love to have been with you, but family duty called us to Oregon. Funerals suck :cry:
Have Scout, will wheel...Someday...Maybe

Originally Posted by Oregon80
-By driving a Scout, you my friend have recycled, which is more than those pansy Prius owners can say.
-I love driving a piece of history that was nearly lost.

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Postby Phantom 309 » Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:04 am

TJDave- Nice meeting you friday night.

Whitey- Thanks for letting us leave our trailers at your camp...and picking up my glasses!

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Postby White trash » Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:20 am

Phantom 309 wrote:TJDave- Nice meeting you friday night.

Whitey- Thanks for letting us leave our trailers at your camp...and picking up my glasses!

Of course, any time. I saw them by luck and figured they would be safer with me than under a tire. :lol:

nice to finally meet you guys, we'll have to head up there again once puo get's his junk put back together.

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Postby Grumpy » Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:25 pm

PUO has junk :shock:

Have Scout, will wheel...Someday...Maybe


Originally Posted by Oregon80

-By driving a Scout, you my friend have recycled, which is more than those pansy Prius owners can say.

-I love driving a piece of history that was nearly lost.

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Postby White trash » Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:47 pm

Grumpy wrote:PUO has junk :shock:

See post 3. :P

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Postby Beep Beep » Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:38 pm

PNW4WDA Region 4 -
Pick Up A Mountain
September 19th, 2009

September 18th through the 20th of 2009, Region 4 of the PNW4WDA held an event called "Pick Up A Mountain" in the Nile area west of Naches in Jim Sprick Park.

Members of the All Wheelers Off Road Club meet up at 8 AM Saturday September 19th, 2009. Some members camped and others drove up for the day. Here is "Pick Up A Mountain" from our day at the event.

Everyone signing in with the Shindig Wheelers.

The Timber Wolves ran the raffle.

We aired down and headed up FS1701. Our first stop was at the SF1701/FS530 Camp to pick up trash. We ran into some people that were camp there which already did a good job picking up. They thought this was a great thing the wheelers were doing. We took some of the bigger pieces of trash that they had no room to haul off.

Up at the top of FS1701 we turned onto 4W694 at the trail head near Barber Springs Road.


On up the trail we stopped at a camp where last year we hauled off a lot of stuff. Again we found a lot to haul off that was left here over the year.


Monster found some carpet.

The guys found some plastic and a tarp.


Crawl Mama happy to be there.

Jarrod found a table.

Tiny found I think a cot frame.

Filling up Crawl Dad's Toy.

Moving on up the trail.

This is the second pair of panties my son "Test Dummy" removed from this trail.

Here are some of the rigs of the day.

My co-pilot "Jeepscum" walking the trail for trash.

At 4W670 we had some people pick up trash down to FS1701 and then back up.

We stopped at the Manastash Vista to pick up trash. It was raining pretty good.



The rain slowed down to a mist and the sun started coming out.

Ron Dunn AKA 4wheelingplus.com used the tarp we had found earlier since him and he son were getting wet.

I thought this side-by-side was going to run Jeepscum over.

Jeepscum walked a long way picking up trash.

We picked up Funny Rocks as we went through. "Phantom 309" was climbing the rocks when we got there.

Ron Dunn and son watching "Phantom 309".

We moved onto trail 4W695 and past through Moon Rocks picking up trash.

Monster going after a muffler.


Jeepscum walking Moon Rocks where we could not drive.



Hercules in the XJ.



Jerry. This Toy has great flex.

Crawl Dad trying not to loose his truck load of trash.

Regrouping to leave Moon Rocks.


The guys found a car seat nailed to a log near the 4W695 creek crossing.

My co-pilot Jeepscum.

Dropping down to FS1701 we found a lot of trash.

Regrouping at FS1701. As we pulled to the side of the road, Doug Conner and Earl Nettnin came by in a FS Pickup loaded with all kinds of stuff they picked up.

Jeepscum way off the road picking up trash.

One we were regrouped we headed on down FS1701 and then up FS530.

We turned down 4W675. We found a lot of stuff in this area.




We filled up most of the rig where we couldn't fit much more. We headed on down the 4W675 to FS1702.

We stopped down FS1702 to pick up a long smashed RV crapper hoses in the road.

My XJ's cargo area was close to full. Any more bags would have fell on the kids in the back seat.

More of the trash we picked up.




Looking in the dumpster at some of the weird stuff found.

Now back to have some Region 4 fun.

Odo crossing the finish line for the Kids Jeep Race.
I will have to bring a full size Chevy next time for the kids. LOL

The adult Jeep Race was very fun to watch.

He needs a new navigator for sure.

This was a great time thanks to all that came. It was great getting to meet some wheelers I had never met before.
A special thank you goes out to everyone that worked to make the event happen.

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