More photos and captions of the Peak Putters' "Forth of July Trip to Liberty WA".
The air was filled with laughter the entire weekend.
Camp at Williams Creek. Al, Stacy, Dolly and I showed up Thursday around noon. The campsites were already mostly filled up. We lucked out and got this spot as some folks in the spot packed up to leave. Eventually, we filled in the open spaces when the Ed, Roy, Lance, and their better halves showed up in motorhomes.
Dolly setup a finger nail painting station. Most all of the women got there nails painted in prep for the parade. Here is Dolly finishing up Liz, I think Lee in next in line.
Al and Stacy loaded pretty much everything they ate with Jalapenos.... even the red-lava-links they grilled up, which were followed by flaming red Cheetos. They sure can handle the spicy food. Be sure to ask Al about his black water holding tank issue the next time you see him
Karen kept the ice coffee drinks flowing the entire weekend. Secretly, I think she enjoyed watching Peak Putters cringe with brain freezes.
Dolly prepped the truck for the Liberty Grand Parade.
We're inline for the parade
Millie watching the boyz sniff-out her ride
Where else in the World can you find one old guy in a camo kelt, one skinny guy in a fishing vest, and a Thing parked next to a logging truck?
In order.... Steve and Dolly
Jose and Sveta and then Al and Stacy
Fire truck
Lee again
I think someone froze Roy.
Folks meeting up during the run and then climbing to the top of the lookout point.
Back to camp after running the Westside of Hwy97
Preparing for the feed.
The gals played cards until dark. I think every camper in Williams Creek could hear them laughing can carrying on.
Last night around the camp fire.

I don't Text (at least not very well), I eat Blackberrys, and I only Twitter after sex...