Liberty 4th 'o July Run

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Liberty 4th 'o July Run

Postby iaccocca » Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:05 pm

I'll get this started and post up more details later.



Did I mention it was hot?

Most us rolled in Thursday. We parked in the shade, and then moved our camping headquarters as the shade moved closer to the creek... very good call. We spent a lot of time in the creek.
In camp Thursday was Al and Stacey, Curtis, Steve and Dolly, Lee (yours truly), Jose and family (well, early Friday morning). Friday just before the run our Associate members Rich and Laura rolled in in their red TJ. My family arrived, timed to miss the heat, Friday afternoon.


Friday, breakfast hours were extended, but we did have a drivers' meeting at 9:15 AM with Peak Putters' and the teams from 2 guest rigs in attendance. We called for a 9:30 departure and were rolling by 9:40. Not bad. Having gotten got lost at Liberty once before and leading my small group to a meth lab (true story), I asked Curtis to lead the way. We first hit Crystal Ridge (319). The only issue we encountered was the vehicle of one of guests was overheating early on and they had to turn back. Then to 315.
We had lunch at Lions Rock (but did not go to Lady Bug Rock.) The Ybarra clan turned down the hill at that point to enjoy the creek. Also our guest John from the Shindig club turned back down the hill. We would see him and his friend more that weekend.


The remaining wheelers hit two more trails... I'll have to check my notes / GPS, maybe someone can post up.
It was DUSTY, especially in the burn areas. Good wheeling all thru out and we kept up a pretty good pace. No carnage (beside two rigs dealing with overheating), and I did not witness any cable being pulled. Stair Step is where we stacked up, getting out and watching rigs make their way up. Some doing it with more drama than others, but all without issue. I wanted to get in line and take the ride again.

I saw cameras. PICTURES PLEASE!

That was not supposed to be the tight line Al. ;-)


Required Hole in the Rock poser shot.

Back at camp we ate peanuts... lots and lots of peanuts.

We delayed the official Peak Putters Meeting start until the ice gods (the people that go to town for ice when it is over a hundred are truely gods.) During the meeting we enjoyed the appetizers we all brought. And by all, I mean Dolly.


...and then, the traditional 4th o July manicures...


So ends chapter one.
Last edited by iaccocca on Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Okay, we're a little crazy to have a Duramax for a daily driver. But if we go off our meds, we might wind up in a Prius.
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Postby iaccocca » Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:19 pm

Saturday the 4th, the truly intrepid hit the Pit Overlook Trail loop before the parade. They will have to post their report / pictures, I slept in.
Then we all decorated our rigs patriotically for the parade. We then rolled out behind the firetrucks precisely at 11:00 AM (or 11:03 for the Ybarras). It was nice we were there along with our guest from the Shindigs, because we made up a big part of the parade. Attendance seemed to be down from past years; maybe because of the heat and the fires. :?: But, it was still a parade and potluck that cannot be beat, but maybe next year we sneak by early and put up an EZ-Up of our own, just sayin'.


After the Liberty town potluck lunch, some of the group hit the trails on the west side of the hi-way. Again, they will have to post up a report and pictures, I went to the creek.
That night, we had a Peak Putters potluck that left everyone full and then I reintroduced the ice-scream-exercise ball that allowed us to sweat out dinner while making our own ice cream in camp.

Most left Sunday. Al and Stacey and Curtis stayed behind as they are journeying to Jamboree.

I hope others can post up pictures and all the details I forgot. Great weekend with a great crew.

Okay, we're a little crazy to have a Duramax for a daily driver. But if we go off our meds, we might wind up in a Prius.
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Postby iaccocca » Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:04 pm

Picture without a story...

Okay, we're a little crazy to have a Duramax for a daily driver. But if we go off our meds, we might wind up in a Prius.
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Postby SPR » Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:48 pm

After the 4th of July shindig in Liberty, four rigs rolled out of camp at 1:15 to run the Westside trails. I rode with Oddball to keep him on path😄 Lets see if I can get this right.. From camp we ran up HI 97 to run 324 up to the top end of 326 which we went down a bit before turning around to run 327 down to 340 which hooked us up with 325 down back to lower 327 and down to HI97. Then flipping round back up lower 327 to 340 to upper 325 to the top of the hill and then down 326 to HI97 which took us back to camp after touring Liberty one more time. We ran out of time to run a un-named trail off of upper 325 which may have been the best one of then all.

I have a few pictures to post up later.
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Postby SPR » Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:14 am

Here are some random pictures...

It really wasn't that hot most of the time. Temps cooled down pretty good by 7PM

Rolling out on Friday's Run

Prepped for dust... it wasn't really that dusty

Bottom of Tr 619

Middle of Tr 619 at the "Steps"

Tender moment at the "Steps"

Oddball had to be winched up the "Steps"

Top end of Tr 615

They once were giants on Tr 616

July 4... Lower Tr 624

Heading down from the overlooks to run Tr 626 down hill.

Kids + Diet Coke + Mentos = Fun

Found a spring for keep the camper water topped off. We went through a bit of water as we enjoyed long showers at the end of each day.
I don't Text (at least not very well), I eat Blackberrys, and I only Twitter after sex...

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