Liberty 4th of July 2018

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Liberty 4th of July 2018

Postby iaccocca » Sun Jul 08, 2018 10:04 pm

Busy week weak for the Peak Putters with the Back Country run, the TrailJam, and the Liberty 4th of July Run.
Here is my run at the Liberty run.
I and my Jeeeperchicks, Millie and Libby arrived at camp at Williams Creek Tuesday PM with light to spare. We found Corey and his girlfriend, who had already selected a nice camp site by the creek. Jose, Sveta and Isabel arrived Tuesday PM / Wednesday AM with no light to spare. There were no witnesses.
The campground was not too full, but the other campers were interesting.
Wednesday, the 4th, we did the regular Liberty Parade, potluck, gold mining... I hope someone got pics, 'cause my phone seems to have remained holstered.
That evening Trevor arrived with his TJ in tow about the time we were pot-lucking in camp.
The girls put on their now traditional Coke and Mentos firework disply, which I caught with drone footage. The girls tell me I did not do it right. :-(
Later that evening a friendly gentleman (neither of those previous two words is true) came to our camp to tell us we were breaking the law by having a camp fire. He was wrong according to the fire marshal. But, the junior firefighter, unarmed with any real information proceeded to every camp sight at Williams Creek to yell and threaten to call the Sheriff. We gave him the phone number. Needless to say, no Sheriff.
Thursday the fun started. :?: We pulled out at exactly 10:00AM.
Round up
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My LJ, Jose's YJ, Trevor's TJ and Corey's Sammy. We headed towards Billy Gulch trail and found some of it, but lost most of it. The beginning of the trail had an interesting gatekeeper in the form of a ditch. Jose and I both took the interesting line on it and really changed the view thru our windscreens.
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Ditch 45 degree
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We proceeded some time down a trail we called a Forester trail, cause a Subaru could do it (if it was heli-lifted over the ditch.)
Then it got fun, depending on you definition of fun. I turned up the 1st hill, and we were no longer in Subaru land. I got a distance in the Jeep, that would turn out to be long hike and lost traction on all 4 tires. I cut back and forth across the hill, never finding traction and having to call for someone to unspool my cable, because it was too steep to leave my foot (feet) off of the brakes. I have video, but it will have to be edited for language.
Each of us, with the exception of Jose, winched 3 or 4 times. Jose's cable never got pulled. We would get enough traction to override our cable, but when we stopped to re-spool, the rigs needed cable to move again. In the fest Trevor's drive-line and Corey's winch paid the price.
Jose Parking Only
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Jose's parking spot.
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In our attempt to find the rest of Billy Goat, we wheeled most of Lions Gulch.
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By this time, we felt we had suffered, uh, enjoyed enough and we headed back to camp. Trevor loaded up and headed off and the rest of us enjoyed another night at camp.
Friday morning Corey agreed to show us a mine he had discovered with directions from an oldtimer. Before he and the Ybarras headed out we all saddled up and headed to the mine. VERY COOL!

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Outside the mine...
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The required trip to Hole-in-the-Rock...
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While the others headed off, my girls and I enjoyed another night of camping... well, they were glamping. We headed home Saturday.

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Another great weekend Peak Putting. The medicine I need, whether or not my doc writes the prescription.
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Okay, we're a little crazy to have a Duramax for a daily driver. But if we go off our meds, we might wind up in a Prius.
If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans.
8-) Image 8-)

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