Peak Putters - 3rd Annual Challenge Soap Box Derby (2014)

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Peak Putters - 3rd Annual Challenge Soap Box Derby (2014)

Postby TJDave » Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:01 pm

I have a few pics to post, most of which were not duplicated in the local media coverage. :(

I did it for the kids, and will do it again.
But, a little recognition for our Club's efforts would have been nice.....for the last three years!

Aside from that, it was great. The smiles on the kid's faces were priceless. 8)



A seasoned Jeeper at the helm. Unfair advantage? :lol:




The Peakputter stickered racer was used for photo ops only.
Good call. It would of one every race if they let it on the course!

My daughter piloting the Bad PP Race Machine back up to the hauler


I have no explanation for the next few pics. :lol: :lol:


2018 JLU Rubicon
Tow bar mount
Trailer hitch

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Postby Grumpy » Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:43 pm

First, let me thank the gang that took time to help!!

Steve, Dolly, Dion
Curtis and Brian
Jose and Izzy
Michael and Iulia
Dave and #1 Daughter
Lee, Chris, Millie (now a pro driver), and Libby
And my lady, Susan

We had 7 or 8 kids driving, and over 20 DD kids, and only had one melt down for one young'n that just wasn't sure he liked that ride. We also had one very slow crowding incident at the finish line that was actually kinda funny.

Everyone was on site by around 8, and we got the drivers practice runs done and got to racing about 9:30, and were done by noon. After a couple of runs, the tow guys got into a good rithym and got things moving pretty well. Fred Bear joined in, and was the "official" starter for several heats. Having our little radios helped as we could hear the Kiwanis and get ready for anything that came up. May have been good they couldn't hear us though!

As always, the kids were the stars of the show, and it was a day well spent! I think this is a project we can all be proud of, and it makes me proud to be part of this group!!
Have Scout, will wheel...Someday...Maybe

Originally Posted by Oregon80
-By driving a Scout, you my friend have recycled, which is more than those pansy Prius owners can say.
-I love driving a piece of history that was nearly lost.

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Postby iaccocca » Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:04 pm


Well done team! The press may have let us down, but every representative of the ARC made a point to seek me out and shake my hand and thank the club. Same for the KIWANIS and other groups. Those kids had an absolute ball and that is what is important. And Millie, that kid can drive! I wonder where she gets it. :thu2: I'd do this every day and twice on Sundays. And, big thanks to Grumpy for putting us in place to be sponsors of the event. Hur-rah!
Okay, we're a little crazy to have a Duramax for a daily driver. But if we go off our meds, we might wind up in a Prius.
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Postby iaccocca » Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:15 pm


Why is this not happening?
Okay, we're a little crazy to have a Duramax for a daily driver. But if we go off our meds, we might wind up in a Prius.
If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans.
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Postby Grumpy » Mon Feb 08, 2016 6:26 pm

Trying to get a decent explanation, but all I get is "Not enough participants". Donna alleges an alternate is being looked for.

Have Scout, will wheel...Someday...Maybe


Originally Posted by Oregon80

-By driving a Scout, you my friend have recycled, which is more than those pansy Prius owners can say.

-I love driving a piece of history that was nearly lost.

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