Peak Putters - Stag Run 2013

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Peak Putters - Stag Run 2013

Postby Lurch » Mon May 20, 2013 11:42 am

This was another awesome run! I went up early Friday and found a good camping spot. My brother was a couple hours behind me. The next morning dale showed up followed by Roy and his coworker (forgot his name). Mike and his dad were a ways behind them. After a visit with the ranger who was checking for discovery passes we headed up the mountain. We eventually found snow up high. We made it all the way to the towers above mission ridge. We took pictures and headed down the hill to cook dinner and have some adult beverages. Roy and coworker headed for home.
A little while later Lee joined us for campfire stories and drinks.

Sunday we went on a short run up the hill to do some more exploring. Found several great places to camp. My brother Mark broke 2 of the 3 bolts that hold his high steer arm on. He had some welding rod so we hooked 3 batteries in series and stacked sunglasses in order to weld a nut to the broken bolt and extract it. Once that was done we headed down the hill, broke camp and headed for home. Overall a great run. Keep an eye out for a possible snow run up there in late April or early may next year.

I have a few pics on my phone that I'll try and get up later.
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Postby Lurch » Mon May 20, 2013 11:49 am










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Postby iaccocca » Mon May 20, 2013 3:23 pm

Mike, are you missing some air mattresses? I might have a line on them. :lol:
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Postby TJDave » Mon May 20, 2013 7:09 pm

Great Pics! 8)

Is that Wenatchee in the 6th picture? I was working there on a hiway concrete paving job for the last 6 days. I could see a little snow on the mountain and was thinking if you guys were close up there.
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Postby mattawajeep » Mon May 20, 2013 8:07 pm

Yup, we took the long route to Wenatchee. Here's the Mission Ridge Ski hill. I've actually hiked up to this ridge and skied down it once. It was a long hike though, and I stick to the #2 lift most of the time.


Here's Wenatchee.


I did a bad job with pictures, we could see Ellensburg, Wenatchee, and Quincy all from one spot.

Here's a view of us close to the top. Just one more tower to reach.


Goofing off by the second tower. When I tried this it launched my cell phone over my head and into the tailgate.....


Tim's brother Mark wearing away at the snow and actually making it.

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Overall this was a great run. Snow was fun but still a bit challenging in places, weather was a bit nasty but cleared up once we got close to the top.

On Sunday we went searching for Lee's waterfall, which as it turns out actually did exist. Really, if you look really hard you can see it.


Trail repairs were fun as well. We were able to find all the tools we needed out of everyones rigs and were even able to cobble together a welder.


Welding rod is definitely getting added to trail kit.


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Re: Peak Putters - Stag Run 2013

Postby Yrjan » Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:38 pm

too bad these pictures aren't working. I am thinking a Colockum stag run should be in the clubs near future...

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