Report by Clay Graham / Eastern Washington Adventures

Umtanum Ridge, Kittitas County, Washington - Photo by Clay Graham / Eastern Washington Adventures
On Saturday January 26th, 2013 Eastern Washington Adventures members met up at the Eastern Washington Adventures Club House in Selah Washington for the Wenas Wildlife Area 4×4 Snow Wheeling Run. We had five Jeeps on this run, TJ40 – TJ, Guido – TJ, Foxracer – TJ, Rangerat – YJ and Ceg – JK. TylerB rode with me. We convoyed to Sheep Company Road and aired down.
Once aired down, we headed on up Durr Road and then turned up Bel Tel Road. Near the top of Umtanum Ridge we climbed out of the fog. The weather was very nice on top of Umtanum Ridge. We took a break as we turned Northwest on Umtanum Ridge Road.
We ran Umtanum Ridge Road getting stuck here and they due to dry powder snow drifts. We passed a few other ORVs a long the way. About a 1/4 mile from Black Canyon Road the dry powder snow drifts got to deep to push on. We back tracked Umtanum Ridge passing more ORVs. At Durr Road we headed back down toward Sheep Company Road. Not far off the top of Umtanum Ridge we dropped back down into the fog.
Down at the Sheep Company entrance of Wenas Wildlife Area we aired up for the pavement. Guido and Rangerat headed home and the rest of us went back to the Club House for dinner.
This was a very fun day!
See full report with photos at: EWA Wenas Wildlife Area Snow Wheeling Run – Jan 26 2013