WOHVA OHV Rally 2011

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WOHVA OHV Rally 2011

Postby dirk » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:54 pm

The WOHVA OHV Rally is this FRI 02/25...click on the links for more info!


Dear WOHVA Supporter,

A few years ago YOUR attendance at the WOHVA OHV Rally in Olympia stopped Senate action on the onerous SB 5544 in its tracks. They decided not to even bring that Bill out on the floor for its previously scheduled debate and vote once they knew YOU WERE THERE in Olympia!

That Bill would have prevented you from even starting your OHV on your own private property! Those of you who packed the Senate galleries that day will never forget how good it felt to be there! It was a terrific and really historic occasion!

This year your OHV volunteers are tracking over 30 Bills that may affect OHV recreation! It seems the anti-access, anti-OHV legislators never quit. Yep, Senator Kline and his buddies are still there.
Bills that previously did not pass are really Zombies that can be brought into action by the use of various procedures IF their proponents think the opposition to them has gone away.

Other legislation is still pending to which the Zombie Bills could be attached if your enemies think they can Git-R-Done by sleight of hand or by sneaking it through in the closing minutes of this session.


ATTEND THE RALLY so THEY know YOU STILL CARE and are WATCHING THEM…Be a part of the celebration of what you have accomplished to date by being involved. There are many NEW Legislators this year that have never seen you.

For more information and the Flyer to distribute to your friends...click on the following link:



Locate your personal legislators using the link below and let them know you will be there and would like to say Hi to them while you are there. You don't need a big message. Just letting them know you are an involved OHV user is enough.


If you have not read Senator Kline's now infamous anti-OHV letter responding to a CLOUT member's very polite email, it is available on line at:


Senator Kline is still in the WA Senate and has never recanted his anti-access, anti-OHV position. He in fact continually co-sponsors anti-OHV legislation!!!!

The few OHV Positive volunteers who continually monitor current OHV legislative activity in Olympia on your behalf NEED YOUR HELP IN PERSON at this OHV Rally. The impact on the Legislature of seeing Olympia being brought almost to the point of gridlock by OHV users arriving with their toys is incredible!

We also have a new Commissioner of Public Lands, Peter Goldmark, who along with the DNR staff will also be taking notice of whether or not OHV Positive users care enough to show up. Let's be there and make sure there is no doubt in their minds whether we care or not!

This next Friday's OHV Rally is the most visual way possible to demonstrate how much of a positive impact OHV users have on the local economy in this state. Government works on the premise that money talks and BS walks. The fact that so many OHV Positive people are willing to show up in Olympia on a work day, on their own nickel, REALLY impresses the legislators and they talk about it for a long time thereafter.

PLEASE BE THERE THIS FRIDAY and bring ALL of your kids (schools will let them count it as a Civics Lesson education day if you ask) and riding buddies along with your RV's, OHV trailers, toys, etc. Let them see the monetary commitment you have made in order to be able to enjoy this great family sport!


Thank you,

Byron Stuck

WOHVA President

* Special thanks to CLOUT for composing this message!!!

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