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Ahtanum / DNR and Yakama Reservation

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 9:21 am
by tobyw
One of the places that I have very little knowledge about is the Red Saddle / Sedge Ridge / South Fork Ahtanum area. On the map, this skirts the border with the Yakama Reservation, and there appear to be a few trails that run in/out of what looks to be Reservation land. Very specifically, the trail that leads out the back side of Tree Phones campground and generally loops back South-East toward Red Saddle... What are the right steps to take to travel this segment of trail? Are permits or other permissions required? Is it even a thing?

Re: Ahtanum / DNR and Yakama Reservation

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:57 am
by tobyw
I will answer part of my own question here, mainly as a public service announcement :lol2

The trail that does in fact exist between Tree Phones campground and Red Saddle is apparently closed for business. We found this sign just a few hundred yards beyond the bridge coming out of Tree Phones headed South:

IMG_3880.JPG (1.91 MiB) Viewed 2708 times

In the spirit of gaining knowledge, we took at look at things from the Red Saddle side and there were no such signs :? As such, I would presume that someone not knowing any better could travel from Red Saddle and end up at Tree Phones, only to find that sign in their rearview mirror... Don't let that happen to you, kids :thu: