Freeze Your Buns 2011: The Cabin Addition (Edition?)

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Freeze Your Buns 2011: The Cabin Addition (Edition?)

Postby iaccocca » Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:34 pm

Too tired to tell the story tonight, so I’ll tell an abbreviated one and post some teaser pictures so we can get the ball rolling. Everyone please feel free to add to the story and post your pics.
Most wheeled into camp Friday. DJ’s (Sillyputty) motor home being the exception; he had to make camp down below. I winched into the driveway before towing my tent camper into camp. Then the great Friday FYBR story began as we tugged, winched, dug, etc. etc. etc. Chris’ (Chrispy) truck with slide-in camper up to American Ridge Cabin.
We all enjoyed the warmth of the cabin and the company we found there. Some of us enjoyed our campers when we slept while most slept on cots, air mattresses, etc. in the cabin. We never used the outside fire ring (no Sveta, don’t you know.)
Saturday AM found us pointed up towards Raven’s Roost. Snow in the morning and lower down, was fun and forgiving. After lunch warming temperatures had the snow melting and freezing quickly under tires. Momentum was our friend, but there were many stops as the guys breaking trail were going hard at it. Mechanical difficulties slowed us down.
Tim’s (Lurch) ATF was running hot and would take awhile to cool once hot.

Jim (OG) broke a left front axle in a losing encounter with a log. He continued up the hill in 3 wheel drive, but after a bit the the round spinny thing in his hand couldn't keep him out of the deep snow.

Two Putters summited… I’ll let them brag or I will post up their names tomorrow when I put up the attendance and more detailed info.
I hope some have pics of Friday night’s operation.
Saturday night = a pork potluck with some gifted chefs and happy campers.
Sunday, Man Quiche.
I’ll have more details soon, but I wanted to open it up so everyone can post their pics and stories. It was a great time with great company and also included this…
Okay, we're a little crazy to have a Duramax for a daily driver. But if we go off our meds, we might wind up in a Prius.
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Postby TJDave » Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:05 am

Here's some pics I took on the Saturday day trip run. Barb had a feeling this trip would go way past the 7pm return time I projected, so she opted to stay home. I don't know where she got that crazy idea! :lol: I asked my friend Rick to ride with me, and we met up with Rich and Laura at the Queensgate Sunmart. Once at the Bumping Lake turnoff, we spot DJ's motorhome and XJ parked there. He advised us to just unload right there. Good call!


A few miles up the Ravens Roost road, we made the first stop to repair a leaking hose on one of the leader's rides. Not sure which one. I was too busy sneaking around trying capture this classic shot that appears on most all PP snow runs! :D


To be fair, Lee buried himself on purpose trying to get around the road block, I think. Had he not had to stop, pretty sure he would of kept right on going. Anyway, on with the pics...


I had a blast. My friend Rick did too. He said you guys are all a great bunch of people! :shock:
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Postby OldGreen » Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:26 am

Here is my run report as an instant messenger conversation with Toby:

so, gimme the skinny on FYBR!!!
James Moss says
Toby says
James Moss says ... 9aS4oiLpQE
For starters, it was NOT motorhome friendly
Toby says
I had the feeling that was going to happen based on teh WJ webcam
James Moss says
We rolled up to the gate at around 3PM to find Tim and Chrispy in the parking lot at the road unloading their junk and chaining up their tow rigs.
Toby says
James Moss says
Got the trailers off and parked next to the gate. They had already been up to the lodge. The trail up was pretty steep and just under a mile long. . .no one had driven it since it snowed
I went ahead and aired down Orville and plowed my way up with the trialer in tow
dropped the trailer and headed back down to help
Only to find Lee stuck in the entrance to the driveway with his winch cable strung out.
Toby says
James Moss says
So, I gathered up his kids/wife and took them to the top
then came back for Chrispy's kids/wife
and figured I was due for some wood stove time and a little supper.
Toby says
ruh roh
James Moss says
Tim/Chrispy had towed Tim's truck up the hill w/Chrispy's wheeler and Lee did just fine after he made it past the driveway. . .but Chrispy's 2wd Dually w/camper was still at the bottom as was DJ's Winnebago.
Toby says
LOVE the in-car btw
James Moss says
I got the nod to drive the Dually. 4x rigs hooked to the front of it and Dale watchin' the rear. . .
Toby says
hory cow
James Moss says
We immediately ripped the tow hook off the phrame.
Toby says
James Moss says
Eventually, we managed to get a pharmtastic apparatus of tree savers and straps around the beams in the front and got the thing kinda sorta moving. . .about 2' at a time until we had the misfortune of running into a log on the driver's side and getting it wedged inside the DS rear wheel.
Toby says
James Moss says
DJ's bow saw removed teh offending log.
We were a good 50' past the gate at this point
4000' to go
AFter much injuneering and a fair amount of Pendelton's consumed by the bystanders, we devised a method by which Chrispy would winch me up the hill then tow until we got stuck. . .then winch some more. . .rinse, repeat.
That worked pretty well until we past the rest of the crew and he couldn't see behind him anymore. By that point, I had gotten the hang of driving the big oil burner and we had a little Rythmn going. . .so. . .all we needed was light and more power.
He got turned around and put Tim's Bronco in front of him
SBC + SBF + Dually Diesel. . .2 out of the three floating valves and the oil burner just keeping the wheels turning. . .
and we cleared the summit
Toby says
James Moss says
It took around 3.5 hours.
3.45 hours for the first 50'
.05 for the rest
DJ = Camped at the bottom in the Bago. . .
Toby says
so... no Jose?
James Moss says
and it is a good thing too. . .or we'd still be trying to get him IN to camp.
Toby says
James Moss says
TJ Dave didn't bring his home either. . .and Curtis was a no show in his. . .so we got a little lucky there. There is only so much room for an RV park at the bottom.
OK. . .Saturday. . .
The Day Trippers. . .TJ Dave + His pal and Rich/Laura in the big teal YJ. . .showed up at the bottom. Lee was temp delayed getting out of camp but we still managed to get on the road by about 9:45.
Toby says
not bad
James Moss says
We had:
Tim, Chripsy, Rich, Dale, DJ, Lee, TJ Dave, and Orville all lined up and ready to hit the snow. 8x rigs
Up we went
There were tracks, but not since the last 2x snow storms so we were essentially bustin' new trail
It was rally fast for the first 6 or 7 miles and I was getting a little impatient in the back of the pack.
Toby says
nooooo, no you
James Moss says
Some kind of fluid or another was coming out of Chrispy's chevotta so we stopped the train to see what's what. . .
I pulled out of line and clawed my way up closer to the front.
Lee had already done the same so the second lane was blocked
Tim took off and Chrispy was 2nd in line. . .
Toby says
was Lee stuck?
James Moss says
I axed Lee if he would be kind enough to pull me out if I got stuck (No, he was just parked in the outside line)
He, with a curious look on his face, agreed.
Me: 2nd gear low, sidestep clutch DOVE into the ditch
around the Rubicon and Chrispy and climbed out the other side. . .to go chase down Tim
Toby says
James Moss says
Up, Up. . .UP
Tim had to stop once in a while to cool off his tranny so I took over breaking trail for a little while. . .
Stopped to let DJ take a turn and make some yellow snow.
Girl kids had to get a ways off the track so it took a little bit. . .
Orville really exceeded all expectations to this point. He really was giving it his all.
Then we got saddled back up and dropped into line right behind Chrispy.
He was spinning pretty good with his big Gumbos
I was SO proud of Orville at this point that I had jumped out of the line into the fresh snow a couple of times to find that I could actually gain ground on the big rig in front of me. . .
so. . .as you can imagine
I looked for an opening, put my blinker on and jumped out in the fresh snow to pass.
Toby says
loves the blinker
James Moss says
Yeah, well. . .when I got to about his rear quarterpanel, I spied a little "bump" in the snow. . .bah. . .no climb for a climber.
that 2' under the little bump, there was a log
Toby says
uh oh
James Moss says
and immediate stop was simultaneous with a loud bang
and suddenly
I am without 4wd.
Toby says
James Moss says
Driver's side axle
Toby says
James Moss says
Ka Boom
Toby says
how in the
James Moss says
2nd gear, wide open
Toby says
U-joint or actual shaft?
James Moss says
I think it was the joint first, but the inner yoke is MIA
The outter yoke is missing one side
and there was 1/4 of a trunion in the other side
Toby says
hory cow!
James Moss says
uh huh. . .
so, undaunted, but in 3wd, I carried on at the back of the pack
Toby says
good thing you got another 13mm wrench befor eyou left
James Moss says
The bigger rigs (Rich, Time, Chrispy) were not having an easy time breaking trail.
On the last long straight climb, I lost directional control. . .I could only go left
Luckily DJ's kid and his buddy (strappin' 18 YO boys that can RUN A SHOVEL)
Seriously Dude, those kids need to come on every snow run. Period. Great attitude and can dig like mofos.
Toby says
love that
James Moss says
anywho. . .Kid A helped dig out from underneath and I went down there to discover that the remaining yoke ear was contacting one of said 13MM bolt heads causing the tire to drag
Thor got the nod.
removed remaining cap/trunion and bent the yoke ear in a little bit and now the tire spins
it is 60% dark
Call on the radio is that Rich and Chrispy are the only ones to summit. The rest of the gang was within sight of the top. . .both of my new tow hooks are bent (DJ was DETERMINED to help me summit) and it is time to go get our grub on. . .so. . .DJ helps me get turned around and after one small cave-in event, we start to head down the hill.
It took us 6 Hours to go 2500' Vertical Feet.
I came down the same distance in 18 min.
Toby says
love that
only Chris and Rich... What happened to Timmay?
James Moss says
Wells . . .
His front ARB wasn't working and his tranny just wouldn't stay cool
He was frustrated to say the least.
Toby says
yeah... that POS trans has been giving him problems for a couple years now?
James Moss says
He just built a new one. . .but, it is undercooled I think.
and, he did the right thing by stopping and cooling it off.
works great. . .just needs morecolder
OK. . .
Back at the cabin. . .lodge. . .thingy
That place is AWESOME
Wood stove tots heats the whole joint. tables abound. . .etc.
Toby says
James Moss says
We did a pork themed potluck. I made pulled pork tacos. . .Dale's sis (who's a PEACH by the way, she's a nurse and fixed up my finger when I stabbed it with a can opener) brought a ham, Lee had bacon wrapped pork, other's had sides/deserts, etc. Nichole's fudge was to DIE FOR.
I was in bed by 8:30
Last man standing was like 10:20
Toby says
James Moss says
Kids sledded their asses off. I zipped tied the axle shaft out of the way. . .
Rode Tim's snow machine a little
Man Quiche
Told lies
Cruised home
To let you know how good the time was:
We stopped and had manifold hotdogs at the park in Granger. . ..
Toby says
James Moss says

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Postby iaccocca » Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:47 am

Great pics Dave! It was great to come around a corner and see you standing there clicking away! :thu:

Nice run report Jim! Very unique way to share the story! :thu2:
Okay, we're a little crazy to have a Duramax for a daily driver. But if we go off our meds, we might wind up in a Prius.
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Postby Danny » Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:37 am

Me loves it OG......glad I didn't try to get the Tasge-ma-hall up there.

Great pics so far....can't wait to here the others weigh in.
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Postby mattawajeep » Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:40 pm

I showed up at camp around 3:30 to the scene of Tim in his bronco trying to drag the camper past the entrance. That went on for about a half hour before it was decided to get all the available wheeling rigs down to the bottom to form a train.


What happened was rather exciting, though I didn't get it on video. The very first pull with all the rigs connected ripped the tow hook off the front of the camper barely missing DJ's cherokee.

After that failure some complicated attachment points were figured out with some tow straps (mine is still probably fused to one of Tim's), and a second attempt was made.

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That got us as far as the gate and a rather nasty corner.

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After a bunch of shoveling and some double winching to keep the camper from falling off the mountain we moved about 5 more feet to find this:


There was discussion of chopping through the tree with guns, but it turned out DJ had a saw in the back of his cherokee, under a near ton of firewood.

<object width="640" height="480"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="480" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

When even more pulling didn't accomplish anything it was decided to hook up the winches again.

<object width="640" height="480"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="480" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

Things were finally working, though not quite fast enough for Tim. Sadly my video didn't turn out for this next part - (it was dark and the vehicles involved didn't really have working headlights.)

Tim powered the bronco though a tree (yah, through, for some reason he wasn't woried about scratching the pretty yellow paint). The camper, the bronco, and Chris's new Toyota hooked together, and collectively floored it. Getting all the rest of the way up to camp in record time.

There was food later, and we did decide to go on a run the next day as well.

Airing Down:





Closer to the top:



Things started to get really deep:


Rich, Chris, and Tim were able to get past this next spot and headed up towards the top - though it was as far as I was able to go - the snow was just too deep for 35" tires. TJDave and I gave up at the entrance to 866. I buried myself up to the frame and when Dave tried to winch me out, he ended up pulling himself up the hill.


All in all, it was an awesome trip. I was quite pleased that all my work paid off, and the Jeep with all it's new stuff functioned well. Great wheeling, great food, and great company.

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Postby TJDave » Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:31 pm

Great vids Dale....Like I was actually there......only alot warmer! :lol:

It is truly amazing you guys got that thing up there. 8)
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Postby OldGreen » Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:32 pm

I found myself in another situation where the steering wheel was nearly useless.

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Postby iaccocca » Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:02 pm

OldGreen wrote:I found myself in another situation where the steering wheel was nearly useless.

And, both involved a log.
Okay, we're a little crazy to have a Duramax for a daily driver. But if we go off our meds, we might wind up in a Prius.
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Postby Lurch » Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:51 pm

That was a great run. I didn't take any pictures but I would have to say I think I enjoyed getting Crispy's camper into camp was almost as much fun as the run on saturday.
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Postby Optiskate » Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:57 pm

Looks like fun... wish I could have been there for this one.

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Postby OldGreen » Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:55 pm

Lurch wrote:That was a great run. I didn't take any pictures but I would have to say I think I enjoyed getting Crispy's camper into camp was almost as much fun as the run on saturday.

THIS and the part up to where I broke my front end. I will attempt to NOT drive like a Jackass on the tree run. . .and this time, I mean it.

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Postby Danny » Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:09 am

I will attempt to NOT drive like a Jackass on the tree run. . .and this time, I mean it.

:shock: :shock: :mdr
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Postby rjjff » Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:15 pm

Laura and I had a great time as always. I wish we could has stayed in the cabin, but maybe next year. Sorry I only took three pictures.


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Postby Danny » Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:39 pm

Nice pics Rich. I love Ravens Roost. I always feel refreshed when I'm up there. Have made a ton of phone calls from there saying...."guess where I am?" Maybe I can summit the thing next year.
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Postby OldGreen » Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:26 pm

And we have a winner.

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Postby mattawajeep » Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:03 pm

Huh, so that's what the top looks like...

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Postby Danny » Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:22 pm

Yup, the drifts on top are awesome to play in.....butcha gotta get there first!!
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Postby Chrispy » Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:12 pm

we have to winners. rich and me.

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Postby OldGreen » Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:13 pm

Chrispy wrote:we have to winners. rich and me.

Yeah, since your ugly butt and your beautiful wife are in the pictures up top. . .

Rich still wins the photo contest.

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