CLOUT Alert SB5627

Land issues, laws, restrictions, etc...

Moderator: Grumpy

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Peak Putters' Land-Use Coordinator
Peak Putters' Land-Use Coordinator
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Location: Kennewick, WA

CLOUT Alert SB5627

Postby Grumpy » Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:48 am

The Senate Ways and Means Committee MUST PASS this Bill by the end of this
week or it is DEAD!
Your friends who are constituents of the Senate Natural Resource Committee
got this Bill through that committee. IT IS NOW YOUR TURN to MOVE IT!

This Bill is a GOOD one for OHV users! Let's Git'R Done! Let's make it
clear to the DNR's law enforcement chief Larry Raedel that vehicles with an
ORV sticker are exempt from having to also pay for a Discover Pass to use
our OHV areas!

As you may know DNR Law Enforcement has REFUSED to obey a WA Superior Court
ruling that current law exempts dual registered vehicles (street license
plate plus ORV sticker) from needing a Discover Pass when using OHV areas.
One user has now been ticketed a second time at Tahuya after winning his
battle against the first citation. Winning required him to appeal to
Superior Court after the county Justice Court ruling against him.

This is ridiculous and is a result of the inappropriate and contrary
interpretation of existing law by the DNR's law enforcement chief, Larry
Raedel who has instructed his officers to follow his own personal
interpretation of the law regardless of how the courts rule.

This Bill will clarify the law to where even DNR's Larry Raedel will not be
able to misconstrue it to assume dual registered vehicles with an ORV
sticker need a Discover Pass to use OHV areas!

Please help get this passed! Do it NOW! Tomorrow may be too late! Your
legislator is scheduled to hear this Bill on February 4, 2015.

Please contact your legislator, Senator Sharon Brown, immediately
Just click this link to contact your legislator.

Sample text that you can copy and paste into the message box at that link is
provided below, or write your own. You can read the details of this Bill
using the hotlink below to access detailed information about it.

It is vital that you make your voice heard on this important issue! YOU may
be the only OHV Positive constituent of this legislator receiving this

Enter the requested information on the form to verfiy that you are one of
their constituents.

Enter the 4 digit Bill # SB 5627 in that box and click the {SUPPORT} box.

Enter PRO SB 5627 in the Message Subject: box just above where you enter
your detailed message

Enter your message (see suggested message below that you can copy and paste
into their form).

{Do NOT} check the box sending this to ALL of your personal legislators.

SAMPLE TEXT (use if it you like!) You can just copy and paste it into the
form on the hot linked site:
(replace this text with your opening paragraph to the legislator)

Why should you vote YES for SB5627? This Bill will keep me from paying
twice to recreate on state land when I already pay for that use with my ORV
permit. Also, it will make me believe that you believe in fair play when it
comes to funding recreation.

Have Scout, will wheel...Someday...Maybe

Originally Posted by Oregon80
-By driving a Scout, you my friend have recycled, which is more than those pansy Prius owners can say.
-I love driving a piece of history that was nearly lost.

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