GTFO Run 8-8 Thru 8-10 2014

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GTFO Run 8-8 Thru 8-10 2014

Postby tobyw » Wed Aug 13, 2014 7:33 am

It was just too hot to stay in Tri-Cities, so we decided to GTFO and enjoy a weekend of camping, with some wheeling tossed in just for grins. The Wilcox clan launched at approximately 1500hrs and arrived in Long Meadow roughly 2-1/2 hours later. Apparently I haven’t been keeping up on my Long Meadow news, because I was shocked to find it is now a fee site, $5 per night. Overall this isn't terribly upsetting, as there is a vault toilet, regular USFS patrols to help address any ruffians and thugs, and best of all, trash dumpsters on site!! We happily paid our dues and went about our business of setting up home away from home:


The kids have been after me to try fishing… For the record, I am not an angler, and have never really taken an interest in it. But let’s be honest, it’s all about the kids, so I took it to task and we assembled some Zebco outfits:


It was a little too late and chilly for being close to the water, so the minions took to their bicycles instead:


After cooking up some fine BBQ chops, green salad, and cheesy rice, we decided to try and hike it off and headed toward the concrete bridge overlooking the river:



About the time we started meandering our way back, OG and Boyscout showed up with their respective familial units in tow. They quickly setup their camps and whipped up some supper, and I pulled out the propane camp fire for what would be an epic BS session as darkness fell around us and the supermoon took over:



Saturday morning, we were joined by Rottwheeler and his brother in his beautiful red LJ, and two of our mutual friends/coworkers; Kenny in his silver TJ Rubicon; and Mike and his son in their green/grey YJ. Kenny had to be back in Tri-Cities by early evening, so the plan was to run Kaner up to Lily Pond, run down 4W-617 to the intersection with Milk Creek, then run Lower and Upper Woodpecker to tie into 4W-694 and run over to the Funny and Moon Rock areas. From there we’d follow the ridge trail over to Gold Creek road and back down to Hwy 410. Lots of ground to cover, but the day was clear and bright, and the trails were in great shape even if a bit dusty for my taste. We made great time with no issues or drama along the way, allowing us to simply enjoy the views and the fact we had GTFO, and we arrived at the Funny Rocks right about noon.


We enjoyed another BS session, and then decided to root around a little bit on the rock formations. What happened next is a story to be told by someone else, but suffice it say the small time delay wasn't really an issue. There may even be pictures...

I took the remainder of the group over to the Moon Rocks while the aforementioned penalty clock was run out, and we played around a bit in the nooks and crannies of the area. I set the boy up as fire watch:


Eventually we rolled back down to the Funny Rocks area, and met up with OG and Boyscout up at the top:


From here we lazily meandered our way back to Hwy 410, taking turns with several drivers in several rigs:


Overall it was a fantastic day on the trail, and we had Rottwheeler, Kenny, and Mike back on the pavement and on their way to Tri-Cities by about 1530hrs. The rest of us turned West and headed back toward camp, stopping at Whistlin Jacks for some last minute sundries to further enjoy the evening.

Once back at camp, it was immediately decided that the river was the place we needed to be, so off we went. Some of us bathed, some of us fished, and some of us protected a beagle from a hungry farting carpet:



The evening once again brought fantastic BBQ grub, adult beverages, and great friends around the propane camp fire. I’m not sure what time we ultimately decided to call it quits for the night, but it was the perfect time…

Sunday morning we worked together to whip up a batch of man quiche that was beyond words. As it started to settle, the minions decided they wanted one more crack at fishing before we packed up and headed for home:



With much dismay, we broke camp and headed for the heat back home. There is a lot more to both the beginning and middle of this little adventure, but I’ll let the others chime in if they wish. In my opinion, it was the perfect weekend and I’d love to do it again. Maybe this weekend…

Yep, I've wheeled one of those, too...

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Postby OldGreen » Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:36 am

That pretty much sums it up. . .food was eaten, creeks were splashed in, Jeeps were driven. Heck, I even managed to pull a stupid human trick and break another rear driveline. Turns out they don't like being smashed on rocks. Drove her back in front wheel only.

Couple of pics:

Will and Madi over the Blue Monster with Mrs. shortblock behind the wheel.


Sleeping Giant outside of my passenger window


When it is time to GTFO, nothing hits the spot like a super laid back eating and BSing trip with a little bit of wheelin' thrown in. We did manage to run Lower Kaner, Lily Pond, Milk Creek Road, Lower Woodpecker, Upper Woodpecker, Manastash Ridge for a while, and Manastash Lake trail. . .and we were back in camp by 4:15 AFTER stopping for beer/ice cream at Whistlin' Jacks.

Did I mention laid back? Other than classic rock in the background while on the trail. . .No loud music, no drunken antics, kids were involved, we played a little bit of "musical chairs". Marc road with me for most of the day while Mona drove and kept the teenagers in line, but Will, Mona, and Madi all found themselves in my passenger seat at various times.

I came back completely refreshed and ready to rock and roll. . .Full attack mode at work this week. . .and that keeps the lights shining brightly and the fuel coffer full of fundage!!

Adventure wheelin' and camping at its BEST!!!

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