BLM / OHV maps

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BLM / OHV maps

Postby Grumpy » Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:34 am

Been some sabre rattling, particularly with the single track crew, about how BLM ain't letting them in areas their maps show as open to OHV oon this side of the mountains. So, WOHVA was asked to dig around a bit. Guess who drew the short straw :? Anyway, after a very pleasant visit with our guy at BLM, here's what I wrote up:

First off, the current administration has suspended their planning, so they’re still running on the 1987/92 plans as amended. No idea when that will change.

Now, as to that “the map says we can ride” thing. Lots of influences neither BLM or we can do anything about. Many of the areas shown as open to us are legally inaccessible, in other words, landlocked. I’m guessing a lot of the guys are running into gated roads. In many of those cases, the land on the other side of the gate is likely private, or another agency where we are not welcome. Too much of BLM ground over is landlocked in some fashion, which we’re going to have to live with for the foreseeable future. Where that’s not the case, we need to ask questions, after due diligence is done on our part.

Some of the closures are priority/policy dictated. Some of those areas are allotments with grazing leases, and that rancher calls the shots. In some others, riparian or critter concerns require the closure to OHV. That is rules from DC, not Spokane. Areas of critical concern appear to trump most other issues too.

That’s my understanding of how things are working at this time. I suggest this info get to whoever the board thinks will use it wisely, and we can get the tempers reined in a mite. We may not like, and some BLM staff may not like it, but this is where we are for now.

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-By driving a Scout, you my friend have recycled, which is more than those pansy Prius owners can say.
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Re: BLM / OHV maps

Postby SPR » Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:05 am

Thanks for the work Dave. It's painful to find access to public lands blocked by gates but that is the way it goes in some places.
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